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March 28th - April 3rd

On 28th March…

On 29th March…

 1981 -The first ever London Marathon took place. Out of the 7,741 runners who started the race only 6,255 people finished. In 2019 over 42,500 runners took part in the London marathon. 

On 30th March…

On 31st March…

1889 - The Eiffel Tower in Paris was opened. There were no lifts when the tower first opened so Gustav Eiffel, the tower’s designer, climbed the 1665 stairs to raise an enormous French flag from the top.

On 1st April…

On 2nd April…

1982 - Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands sparking a war between Britain and Argentina. The war lasted just over ten weeks and ended when the Argentinian forces surrendered on 14th June.

On 3rd April…